Created exclusively for Bella Luna, this whimsical and beautiful print "The Lantern Parade," from Michelle Housel, depicts all the magic and wonder of the fall season.
Follow the lantern parade under the moon beneath beautiful birch trees with these four magical friends to celebrate the season and its special days of Martinmas, the Equinox, and Halloween.
The glowing moon and lanterns in this gorgeous illustration remind us of the importance of warmth, light, and community — all the essential markers of the Autumn season.
The art print is a 3 x 5 size and fits perfectly in our brand new Nature Table Postcard and Candle Holder. Use this art print to inspire and center your family in the season and celebrate all of its bounty and joy.
About Michelle Housel: Michelle, also known as Dancey Pants Disco, is a crafter and artist who lives in the Green Mountains of Vermont with her family, where she spends her time homeschooling, painting, sewing dolls, and collecting tiny things.
SIZE : 3 x 5 inches
MATERIALS : High-quality watercolor paper, ink
INCLUDES : 1 art print
ORIGIN : Designed and printed in the United States
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